The Benefits of Garage Door Insulation: Tips and Considerations

If you live in a region with drastic temperature changes, an uninsulated garage can lead to discomfort and energy inefficiency. Although many garages are insulated, it is the garage door that is sometimes not seen as a priority to insulate. Garage door insulation is a cost-effective solution to improve your garage’s comfort level and energy efficiency. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of garage door insulation, when you should insulate, and provide you with some helpful tips to get started.

garage door being insulated and tested

Why Should You Insulate Your Garage Door?

Insulating your garage door helps by offering several benefits. Here are a few to consider: 

  1. Temperature Regulation: Insulating your garage door helps maintain a more consistent temperature inside the space, making it more comfortable for various uses like a home gym, workshop, or even an extra living area.
  2. Energy Efficiency: A well-insulated garage door can reduce heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, which means lower energy bills for your home.
  3. Protection: Insulation can help protect your belongings stored in the garage, including vehicles, tools, and other items, from extreme temperature fluctuations and moisture.

Why Wouldn’t You Insulate Your Garage Door?

Although insulating your garage door is very helpful, there are some instances where it might be unnecessary: 

  1. Full Garage Insulation: If your entire garage isn’t insulated then it might be a waste of time and resources to insulate your garage door. Adding insulation to just the door won’t provide the temperature control needed to seal off your entire garage. 
  2. Attached vs. Detached Doors: If your garage is detached from your living space, there might be no point in adding insulation, unless your garage is used as a living area or workshop that you spend a decent amount of time in. 
  3. Airflow: Outside air making its way into your garage can completely ruin the purpose of an insulated garage door, especially if the garage itself is not properly insulated. If you haven’t checked your garage for airflows in potential seams or gaps, you’ll want to check to see how these exposures are affecting your garage.

Types of Insulation

  • Polystyrene: This insulation, often known as Styrofoam, is a hard foam board. It is sandwiched between two layers of steel in two- and three-layered doors. You can find this insulation at your local hardware store. 
  • Polyurethane: This insulation begins as a thick liquid and expands as it dries, filling the cavity of the garage door completely. Most manufacturers offer this sort of product, which is also known as “foamed in place” or FIP doors. This insulation provides a sturdy structure for the door, reducing noise and increasing longevity. 

Tips for Garage Door Insulation

Buy a New Door or Add Insulation?

When faced with the decision of whether to buy a new garage door with insulation or add insulation to an existing one, several factors should be carefully considered. Buying a new insulated garage door can provide a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing solution. New doors often come with improved weather sealing and design options to enhance curb appeal. However, the cost can be considerably higher, and installation might be more complex.

On the other hand, adding insulation to an existing garage door is a more budget-friendly option. This choice allows for customization based on specific insulation needs and can be a do-it-yourself project for those with some DIY skills. However, it may not offer the same level of energy efficiency as a purpose-built insulated door and may not look as seamless in terms of appearance. It’s crucial to assess your budget, time, and insulation requirements when making this decision.

Choose the Right Insulation Material

There are various insulation materials available, including fiberglass, foam board, and reflective foil. The choice depends on your budget, climate, and specific needs. Foam board is a popular choice for garage door insulation due to its excellent thermal resistance.

Measure Accurately

Accurate measurements are crucial to ensure that you purchase the right amount of insulation material. Measure the individual panels of your garage door, accounting for any irregularities.

Safety Gear and Tools

Before starting the insulation process, ensure you have the necessary safety gear such as gloves, safety glasses, and a dust mask. You’ll also need tools like a utility knife, adhesive, and a straight edge for cutting and attaching the insulation.

Clean the Surface

Before applying the insulation, make sure the garage door panels are clean and free from any dust or debris. A clean surface ensures better adhesion.

Install Weatherstripping

Seal any gaps or cracks in your garage door frame with weatherstripping. This prevents drafts and ensures a more airtight seal.

Proper Installation Technique

When installing the insulation material, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Typically, this involves cutting the insulation to fit each panel, securing it in place with adhesive or clips, and ensuring a snug fit.

Consider Garage Door Insulation Kits

If you’re not comfortable with a DIY approach, you can purchase garage door insulation kits. These kits include all the materials you need and come with detailed instructions.

Test and Monitor

After installation, monitor your garage’s temperature and energy consumption to ensure that the insulation is working effectively. You can make adjustments if necessary.

Regular Maintenance

Insulation can wear over time, so perform regular inspections to check for any damage or wear and replace it as needed.

Professional Installation or DIY?

Insulation kits for do-it-yourselfers are available at your local hardware store or online. However, you should consider the risks that come with DIY and if it is worth just hiring a professional. 

Additionally, a professional can analyze the insulation situation in the entire garage and determine whether insulating the garage door would provide enough temperature regulation and a return on investment.

If you are wondering if professional door insulation is right for you or would like to discuss options for insulating your garage door, call Able-Lubeke Overhead Doors at 414-645-1686. We’ll provide you with the best estimates and accurate consultation for your garage door needs. Additionally, check out our website to learn more about the services we provide.

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